Sophie, a quiet and shy maid working for an upper-class French family, finds a friend in the energetic and uncompromising postmaster Jeanne, who encourages her to stand up against her bourgeois employers.
Directors: Anne Perron, Aurore Pasquiss-Chabrol, Cécile Maistre-Chabrol, Claude Chabrol, Daphné Rosenbom, Pierre Armengol-Arény
Actors: Dominique Frot, Isabelle Huppert, Jacqueline Bisset, Jean-François Perrier, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Julien Rochefort, Ludovic Brillant, Sandrine Bonnaire, Valentin Merlet, Virginie Ledoyen
Actors: Dominique Frot, Isabelle Huppert, Jacqueline Bisset, Jean-François Perrier, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Julien Rochefort, Ludovic Brillant, Sandrine Bonnaire, Valentin Merlet, Virginie Ledoyen
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